Satellite Enhanced Snowmelt Flood and Drought Predictions for the Kabul River Basin (KRB) with surface and groundwater modeling
Under Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER), cycle 5, awarded project is to develop the integrated surface and groundwater modeling for the trans-boundary Kabul River Basin (KRB) with Satellite Enhanced Snowmelt Flood and Drought Predictions. We apply the advanced NASA satellite data to track snow, snow melting, floods, surface water coverage, and droughts over the KRB. We adapt the cost-effective approaches that utilize remote sensing data, the US expertise from the Red River Basin, Dr. Jacobs, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Research Group, Infrastructure and Climate Network (ICNET).
The methodologies and expertise of the NASA supported project: «Satellite Enhanced Snowmelt Flood Predictions in the Red River of the North Basin, USA» are for adaptation for the new research area of KRB. A lack of accurate snow depth and snow water equivalent data, and a lack of understanding of snowmelt processes and soil infiltration during soil freeze and thaw events in the KRB inhibit the ability to improve the flood prediction. The scientific merit of our project is development of the KRB flood prediction models using satellite observations that capture the magnitude, timing, and spatial distribution of watershed scale snowmelt parameters as well as antecedent soil conditions. Moreover, combined surface and ground water modeling for this new region is our next scientific merit for this complicated research area. Most of the existing water related research models were developed separately, separate model for the surface water and separate for the underground water.
We assembled a research team that has the interest, expertise, and facilities to enable the implementation of the proposed project. The team encompasses researchers from:

Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Najaf; Hydro-Geologist
Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Najaf received his PhD, MSc and BSc degrees from Moscow State Geological Prospecting Academy. Currently he works as Professor of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology at Kabul Polytechnic University. He is a member of the National Hydrology Committee for Afghanistan (NHCA) from the date of its establishment up till now with the related research work “Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources of Kabul River Basin”

Dr. Jay Sagintayev; Remote Sensing and GIS Expert

Dr. Muhammad Abid; An Expert in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Jennifer M. Jacobs; Remote Sensing Expert

Dr. Devendra Amatya; An Expert in Remote Sensing tools and products for Watershed Hydrologic Modeling