Current issues of conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems in desert regions of Kazakhstan

A very important event took place at 5th Dec 2017, Astana - partners discuused the results of the project on the conservation of biological diversity in desert ecosystems.

Conservation of biodiversity in desert ecosystems is a difficult task. Meanwhile, it is these ecosystems that make up 68 percent of the territory of Kazakhstan.

Since the beginning of the project in 2013, and until now, UNDP, GEF and governmenetal partners are helping to expand the areas of specially protected natural areas (PAs), they are supporting people living around the PAs so that they have access to sustainable "green" jobs that would gave them the opportunity to feed themselves and their families without harming the environment; they reduce the overall degradation of lands and implement environmental education programs. This is not the whole list of efforts that they are taking in this direction,  And here is a link to the geoportal, which we created in the framework of the project for the accumulation, visualization and analysis of the results of space monitoring of desertification and land degradation.

Dr. Jay Sagin and Mohammad Daud Hamidi has participated in this coference in order to share knowledge on the geoportals development.